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Daiichi Hook Model 1130

Daiichi Hook Model 1130

Regular price $8.95 CAD
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#1130- Wide-Gape Scud Hook Tiemco introduced continuos bend hooks into the American fly tying market in the 1980's. This particular style is similar to the TMC 2487, which quickly became popularly known as a "Scud Hook" because of its shape, which is similar to the curve of freshwater shrimp (scud). Flies tied on hooks with bent shanks or continuous bends have a more natural shape or look more lifelike according to many fishers.<
Continuous bend,down-eye,1X-fine wire, 1X-short shank,forged,reversed Uses:Scud,Shrimp,Grubs,Pupae,San Juan Worm,Nymphs.
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